SAE Systems – New range of roller banner displays

SAE Systems will be exhibiting at the UK Security Expo in Olympia, London on the 29th & 30th November and asked Cameron Creative to design a range of roller banner displays which they can use at this event and others. They will be at stand B77, so if you’re in or near London and have an interest in Security products why not pop in and say hello. Click here to take a look at other design and branding examples by Cameron Creative

TJ Tapes – New branding and pack designs

T Johnston Ltd based in Belfast asked Cameron Creative to modernise their existing range of tape packaging and boxes. The new branding has been developed to be modern, eye-catching and instantly recognisable as the TJ family brand.

We provided the branding and final artwork files ready for print.

TJ Tapes - Branding by Cameron Creative TJ Tapes - Branding by Cameron Creative

Click here to take a look at other design and branding examples by Cameron Creative

GateClaw One Way Traffic Spikes are a new security product recently launched by SAE Systems.

GateClaw Traffic Spikes can be mounted directly to the road surface and protects vehicle entry and exit points using bi-directional spikes housed within expandable robust sections. The traffic spikes have three settings, Active Mode (movement in one direction only), Locked Down Mode (movement in both directions), Locked Up Mode (movement restricted in both directions).

We provided the branding, website design/coding and data sheet designs.

Visit the website >

Gate Claw Road Spikes / Traffic Spikes / Vehicle Barrier

Pro HeadShots Photography Website

Pro Headshots Photography offers a professional headshot photography service for actors and corporate clients. Patrick Watson works closely with each client and uses a variety of lighting and backgrounds, both in the studio and on location to achieve stunning results.

Patrick had a specific design style in mind for the Pro Headshots website. The website was created using the WordPress platform for easy updating.

Visit the website >

Pro Headshots Photography, Norwich

Pointyhead Games in Norwich required a logo for their games business and asked Cameron Creative to come up with some options.

The business currently buys and sells role playing games, figures and accessories through their Ebay shop. As the company is now expanding they wanted a unique logo design to use for the current shop and merchandise. Various design options were presented and the ancient Greek Trireme was chosen as the final design.

Single colour Pantone and black versions were also provided to be used on future bags and t-shirts.

Pointyhead Logo Designs by Cameron Creative, Norwich


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